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Digital Drive: Accurate review by smallpond

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Accurate review

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Thanks for the clear and insightful review of the VRS Revelation . I have had the opportunity to listen the VRS system at length on several occasions and on several systems. Your description fits my experience with precision. I have had major goose bumps each and everytime I have heard that player (a good thing in my book). I currently have a 47 Labs redbook playback system in place which I have enjoyed immensely but....since Vincent left my house with his VRS machine after a remarkable demonstration, the sound of my system seems drab by comparison, so much so that I have put my money where my mouth is. I ordered a VRS Revelation system and I cannot wait to get that badboy in here.

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Topic - VRS Revelation Audio Playback system - Tuckers 21:03:48 01/22/04 ( 42)