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Digital Drive: Secret sauce by Stephen

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Secret sauce

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With respect, the market for boxes like the VRS is those who want a ready made solution and it looks like Vincent has done a great job here. Convenience, shielding, noise reduction and looks are probably what distinguishes this from any DIY solution.

When you look at it, there's only three pieces here. The hard-disk(s) to store the files, the soundcard/DAC to do the conversion and the computing power (hardware and software) to move the data between the two. The SOLE limitation for what you hear is the soundcard/DAC itself (and the environment it's housed in). Jitter-free data-perfect delivery is a given. It's independent of the CPU, software, cables, hard-disk, brands, quality, anything.

I plan to go with outboard conversion as I believe it's a more flexible solution and requires no shielding. The rest will be just off-the-shelf bits coz they don't contribute to the sound.


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Topic - VRS Revelation Audio Playback system - Tuckers 21:03:48 01/22/04 ( 42)