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Digital Drive: Tried the DAC with it? by ECizgod

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Tried the DAC with it?

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Have you tried the AN with the VRS? The VRS I saw was locked down so that the digital output couldn't even be used. Don't know if yours is like that.

I think the Lynx with hard drive playback has a very vinyl quality to it. Hence your "increased toe-tapping" and incredible pace. IMO, the system recreates the best of every truly great digital playback I have heard, without the drawbacks. It has the pace of the Naim, but not the drawbacks. It has the extreme transparency of the CD-12, and is not $20,000. It has the lush analog sound of my old Nottingham setup, but without the tons of drawbacks to that. . .

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Topic - VRS Revelation Audio Playback system - Tuckers 21:03:48 01/22/04 ( 42)