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Digital Drive: Not true. . . by ECizgod

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Not true. . .

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I have built a similar system, and to be honest with you, I would NOT go into production, and sell these for what Vincent does. Even at the wholesale level, and even if he is buying the sound cards on an OEM plan, he's still MAYBE doubling his money. That's when you buy direct, and not through a dealer.

Also, the BIGGEST cost of a product like this will be SUPPORT. And that is why I wouldn't do it for that price. It's insane.

Picture a Sunday afternoon, and some anal audiophile with a $50,000 system has some buddies over to listen. He calls your support line steaming mad, and says his CD player crashed. Not worth it IMO.

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Topic - VRS Revelation Audio Playback system - Tuckers 21:03:48 01/22/04 ( 42)