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Digital Drive: Re: VRS Revelation Audio Playback system by Tony

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Re: VRS Revelation Audio Playback system

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> We don't think of amplifiers that way. I could look inside an > excellent sounding high-end amp and say that the design is > repeatable, and that I will build one myself. But I probably > couldn't completely replicate the sound. How many people could do > that, or would instead decide to buy the amp itself?

I think you are comparing apples to oranges. You are correct in that there is no way most people can duplicate the performance of a high quality amplifier on their own. Perhaps someone with an E.E. and years of experience...maybe. A computer is another animal altogether. Someone who's spent a couple of months in tech support could probably build a PC that would equal or surpass anything that Dell or Gateway could put together. The nice thing with PC's, is that there is no subjectivity. We can measure their performance. It is called benchmarking.

Frankly, while I like the look of the VRS systems, I picture it to be no more than off the shelf parts in a pretty case. Some people are willing to pay a substantial amount for aesthetics, and I see nothing wrong with that. Please don't misunderstand. I see nothing wrong with 2K for this system. But starting at 4K and going to 10K+ seems extreme. True, I do not know what kind of software mods he has done, but given all the off the shelf players and encoders available, especially the one included with the OS, I would find it hard to pay a substantial amount for another.

What is the player? Can you use whatever you want, or are you limited to what he has installed or coded.



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Topic - VRS Revelation Audio Playback system - Tuckers 21:03:48 01/22/04 ( 42)