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Digital Drive: Re: VRS Revelation Audio Playback system by Tuckers

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Re: VRS Revelation Audio Playback system

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I've heard my AN DAC with a CDT-2 and the Spectral is a far better transport. I think the only transport that could beat beat it might be a CEC TL-0 or the Forsell.

the CDT-2 is very good for the money and would be my choice in that price point, but these other transports are in a different league.

I believe in the Audio Note philosophy of minimal processing to the digital signal to achieve good sound. I give Audio Note and Peter Q (and Kondo) a great deal of credit for discovering good sound inside those shiny silver discs.

The VRS is more musical and more engaging than the Audio Note, there's more toe tapping and singing along that's happened in my house. The sound is freed from most of the digital components I have adjusted to over the years in the CD format inlcuding Redbook with the Audio Note.

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Topic - VRS Revelation Audio Playback system - Tuckers 21:03:48 01/22/04 ( 42)