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Digital Drive: no way..... by tcain

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no way.....

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> > > Transparency is better than any Redbook playback I have heard, and exceeds most SACD I have heard. The only real exception being Ray Kimbers demonstration of ISO Mike he has given the last few shows.

=====you actually read my mind and nailed it. Rays demo is fab, Meitner + hard disk.

Junji Kimura the designer of the 47Labs Pitracer had the opportunity to comapre systems using the VRS and the Pi-tRacerand The Misty River Band. Results are both acheive "redbook cieling". Quite nearly indescernible. Although Junji is the unchallenged king of aesthetics, beauty and overall design with the Wavelength gaining.


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Topic - VRS Revelation Audio Playback system - Tuckers 21:03:48 01/22/04 ( 42)