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Digital Drive: Re: copying to hard disk by Stephen

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Re: copying to hard disk

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Currently I use an external reader but I could just as well use the internal. The files get saved to an external 250GB firewire hard disk ... the one in my PowerBook is only 60GB. For my office system output goes through a cheap Sonica USB DAC to a mini-system and this seems to be adequate. The plan is to get a second computer (like an iBook) dedicated to my hi-fi which pulls in the files wirelessly and routes them through a quality USB or firewire DAC. Playback will have to be better than my Marantz SA-14 so it won't be cheap! I hope to have this running by the end of the year. Maybe by then there will be more output options. I'm not interested in solutions based around S/PDIF (optical or coax).


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Topic - VRS Revelation Audio Playback system - Tuckers 21:03:48 01/22/04 ( 42)