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Digital Drive: Re: DAC ratings? by Tze Teo

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Re: DAC ratings?

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Circuit board design and topology probably makes the most difference, as does the digital coaxial cable used.

I tried Musical Fidelity's products, which use Burr Brown PCM 1706s, and I did not like them at all. Decided on Sony's own current pulse converters instead. In any case, those Burr Brown's claim 24bit resolution, but if I am correct Delta Sigma DACs are still 1bit devices.

Here's a question: Why do we seek to replace the DACs on DVD players, even those 24/96 ones, when many of those DACs we're looking at are Delta Sigma ones anyway? Bit for bit, literally, there should not be any noticable sonic difference would there? Okay, I do accept the circuit board and topology answer!

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Topic - DAC ratings? - Valnar 04:18:48 06/21/00 ( 8)