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Digital Drive: Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-D5SE-6H6 CD Player/Recorder by Victor Khomenko

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Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-D5SE-6H6 CD Player/Recorder

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From time to time we receive the questions regarding possible substitute to the 6H30 tube. While there is no other tube available with the performance characteristics of that tube, I have on many occassions suggested other possible alternatives as "things to try".

Usually the 8223 and the 6H6 are mentioned as the two possibilities.

The 6H6 is a VERY old tube, and is considered a low-tech tube, certainly not in the league of the 6H30 when it comes to its electrical specs.

Its plate resistance is about 2.5 time higher, meaning that your CD player output impedance will also go up with this substitude. Whether this matters or not - we shall leave to the reader to decide.

The 6H6 tube will bias properly in the VK-D5SE circuit and will provide just a tad higher output signal. Given its low cost it IS a good thing to have for one of those days when you feel restless for something new.

To my knowledge the tube is not in production today, basically rulling it out for use in our new products. But for someone who only needs a few pieces this is a good opportunity.

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    Topic - REVIEW: Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-D5SE-6H6 CD Player/Recorder - Lukasz F. 05:12:12 09/4/02 ( 5)