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Digital Drive: Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-D5SE-6H6 CD Player/Recorder by AbeCollins

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Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-D5SE-6H6 CD Player/Recorder

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A search on google.com on "6h6p" reveals another website where this information has already been posted.


Why not contact Victor Khomenko at BAT and ask his opinion of the 6H6P vs 6H30P. He designed the BAT CD player and BAT preamps that all use the 6H30P. Must be some reason he chose those devices over 6H6P. Might be availability of parts in quantity, I don't really know.


Click the "Contact Us" link to the lower left of the home page. Victor will often reply.

The 6H6P can be found at: http://www.conusaudio.com/vacuum_tubes_by_number.htm for $10 US each.

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Topic - REVIEW: Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-D5SE-6H6 CD Player/Recorder - Lukasz F. 05:12:12 09/4/02 ( 5)