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Digital Drive: Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-D5SE-6H6 CD Player/Recorder by Cato

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Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-D5SE-6H6 CD Player/Recorder

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Interesting ! I have a D5 SE with 6H30s as well - Being an idiot when it comes to tube specs etc, I wonder if there are any negative side-effects of doing a direct tube for tube replacement ? Have you experienced any problems whatosoever ?

Lastly - where can one buy the 6H6 tubes ? I live in the UK - many thanks Lukasz for this very interesting info


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Topic - REVIEW: Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-D5SE-6H6 CD Player/Recorder - Lukasz F. 05:12:12 09/4/02 ( 5)