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Digital Drive: REVIEW: Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-D5SE-6H6 CD Player/Recorder by Lukasz F.

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REVIEW: Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-D5SE-6H6 CD Player/Recorder

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Model: VK-D5SE-6H6
Category: CD Player/Recorder
Suggested Retail Price: $5000
Description: Integrated CD player with SE status of output stage
Manufacturer URL: Balanced Audio Technology (BAT)
Manufacturer URL: Balanced Audio Technology (BAT)

Review by Lukasz F. on September 04, 2002 at 05:12:12
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for the VK-D5SE-6H6

This is a follow-up. over one year later - I confirm everything I said about the BAT CD. No faults or other problems.

I have the SE version, with famous tubes 6H30P.
I was tempted to try other tubes.
Its most natural replacement is another Russian tube - the 6H6P. It looks the same but is designed especially with analog signal in mind, not impulse like the 6H30P.
Let me tell you - the improvement is NOT SUBTLE. 6H6P is much better tube in EVERY respect.
The 6H30 in comparison is sounding 2d flat, hard, glassy, grainy. Swapping the 6H6P is like opening a big window and letting fresh air in.
The price of 6H6P is usually in single dollars or so. They work forever. The same substitution in 3 different amps and one preamp confirmed always identical results. 6H6P is far superior to 6H30P.

With this upgrade the BAT CD is a class of its own. Untouchable.
Lukasz F

Product Weakness: Cheap drawer.
Product Strengths: Liquid liquid airy open and detailed sound, very very analog-like.

Associated Equipment for this Review:
Amplifier: 30 WPC paralell SET mono from ARG
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): none
Sources (CDP/Turntable): BAT VK-D5-SE
Speakers: Project 10 DIY
Cables/Interconnects: AudioNote
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Jazz and fusion
Time Period/Length of Audition: 1 year
Other (Power Conditioner etc.): DIY
Type of Audition/Review: Product Owner

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Topic - REVIEW: Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-D5SE-6H6 CD Player/Recorder - Lukasz F. 05:12:12 09/4/02 ( 5)