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Cable Asylum: Re: We now bring you our regularly scheduled Transparent-bashing program by cdc

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Re: We now bring you our regularly scheduled Transparent-bashing program

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I have been experimenting with cabling (speaker, analog and digital interconnects and power cords) for my system at a hefty clip for about 1.5 years now. I have not added my expenses up for cabling but would guestimate that 30-35% (maybe higher) of my system costs is from cabling. As I understand that is unusually high, most audiophiles spend 15%-20% on cabling. In about a week I will update my system profile to reflect my current system. I am currently adding and changing the cabling in my system.

So here is what I am getting at, everyone has their own value system and budget. I personally have only tried a few offerings from Transparent Audio and did not like what I heard. But obviously there are people that are willing to part with their cash for Transparent's or any other manufacturer's audio wares. This happens when their perceived pleasure meets the $$$ they have to give up for that perceived pleasure or experience. This is the basics of sales and marketing.


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Topic - Whats Inside the "tranparent boxes" - Bambadoo 03:42:26 07/14/04 ( 37)