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Re: added on the U.S. side

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There is an old thread which explains how MIT was formed after the husband and wife broke up.

I have heard Transparent stuff and it sounds smooth,but as with anything else when you insert circuitry it usually has adverse effects to the extremes. In this case other have mentioned that it clips the topend.

Buying audio can be a psychological. People just will not believe that a cheaper,more affordable product can sound as good or better than one costing 3X-5X-10X as much. There are justifications in the marketplace for higher priced gear though as if one wants the best then they can certainly buy it and pay for it also.

I have stated in another thread why some cables can justify their prices,but some exotic cables are way to much to be justified.

Others have also written as to why prices for highend cables are justified as alot of time and $$ goes into their design.

When you spend 1/2 a year working on a design I think you can be justifed to ask a high price.

Just thinking!

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Topic - Whats Inside the "tranparent boxes" - Bambadoo 03:42:26 07/14/04 ( 37)