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Cable Asylum: Correction: 5.96 MHz by Al Sekela

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Correction: 5.96 MHz

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Sorry for the typo.

The idea is that speakers are inductive and look like open-circuits at radio frequencies. This permits the speaker cables to resonate like radio antennas in the presence of RFI. Most amps are not built to exclude RFI from the speaker connections, and it can get into the circuitry and degrade the midrange.

Adding the R-C networks, with suitable capacitors and resistors that actually work at radio frequencies, loads the cables and (ideally) damps the resonances.

One can add R-C networks to experiment at little cost. I've been told that Transparent cables roll off the treble at 40 KHz, but these networks would not seem to be party to that behavior. Anyone who can hear 6 MHz treble tones is not of this earth...

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Topic - Whats Inside the "tranparent boxes" - Bambadoo 03:42:26 07/14/04 ( 37)