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Cable Asylum: Re: Whats Inside the "tranparent boxes" by NEAR SOTA

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Re: Whats Inside the "tranparent boxes"

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I do use Hot Glue which is what they use to encase the network from what it looks like. I have heard some of their cables which go for $3000 last I knew. Way overpriced ,but for those who want it and can afford it hey go fo it if that is what your looking for!

The cables went for more then all the equipment I heard them in. While they sounded smooth and had good extention I cannot see using them as you can get close for a fraction of the price.

Even the Voodoo Witch Dr. could not afford them,he keeps praying to the gods to own a set though!

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Topic - Whats Inside the "tranparent boxes" - Bambadoo 03:42:26 07/14/04 ( 37)