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Cable Asylum: R-C network with 5.6 MHz corner frequency by Al Sekela

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R-C network with 5.6 MHz corner frequency

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The photos show a Dale 26.7 ohm resistor and a 0.001 mFd, 630 volt film capacitor in series.

This network looks like an open-circuit at audio frequencies, but becomes a resistor above about 5.6 MHz.

Anyone with access to a parts store and a soldering iron can make their own networks and see if they affect the sound. The cost is minimal.

I've found such things can help purify the midrange and tame treble brightness. That they work at all suggests there is RFI getting into the power amps through the speaker cables. Adding Power Wraps to the speaker cables also helps reduce the resolution floor of the system. These measures are very inexpensive compared to the cost of exotic cables, and should be tried before spending big bucks on cables to fix midrange or treble problems.

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Topic - Whats Inside the "tranparent boxes" - Bambadoo 03:42:26 07/14/04 ( 37)