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Cable Asylum: Jon, I agree that 89259 is a good starting point for DIY..... by Thorsten

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Jon, I agree that 89259 is a good starting point for DIY.....

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where I part company with you is when you ascribe a certain sund to "being revealed" by 89259 when in my experience the fact is that what you hear is the distortion CAUSED by the stranded nature of the 89259 being revealed by a revealing system.

That's all. I honestly do respect your work and part of my trials (and errors) with DIY cables where strongly influenced by you. I only object in general to the overhyping of a fairly mediocre (in the ABSOLUTE scheme of things) wire, namely Belden 89259.

I have seen regulary comments claiming that "nothing better" and such, not claims by you I might add. Still, while 89259 might be a nice step up from generic wire, it is from where I stand on one of the bottom rows of a fairly tall ladder.

And considering the work required for the twisted pairs (I remember now - I found two pairs I made up ages ago - one solid solid and the other per your instructions - listened again and still did not like what I heard) I feel that there is better sound to be had for that kind of work.

Ciao T

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Topic - 23 ICs Comparative Evaluations including DIY Belden 89259 - Kim 16:28:37 06/26/01 ( 37)