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Cable Asylum: Re: Yeah - Somebody was not paid off !!! by Sean H

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Re: Yeah - Somebody was not paid off !!!

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You know Cut-Throat, I have somewhat started to share your sentiment about cables. I'm a firm believer in cables- IC's, speaker cables, power cords, in that they DO make a difference and sound different. There's no question there in my mind. But, all of my current cabling is home brewed and it's better than any cables I have ever owned. But, then again I haven't owned the mega buck stuff, then again never will because it seems ludicrous to me. I guess I have owned cables that aren't what one might call "cheap" too. More power to the people who have the mega buck stuff, that's there prerogative. I'm a newbie to DIY cables and I'm just floored at what you can make for literally next to nothing. I'm talking good stuff, really good stuff, not just "better than zip cord" stuff.

Sean H

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Topic - 23 ICs Comparative Evaluations including DIY Belden 89259 - Kim 16:28:37 06/26/01 ( 37)