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Cable Asylum: Re: thanks mike. by mikel

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Re: thanks mike.

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i would say the HMS would fall "in the middle" between the Valhalla and Compass Lake in tonal balance. the HMS is slightly more on the warm side than the Valhalla with somewhat more weight.....but at the expense of some congestion and detail.

the Compass Lake is more noticably "Lush" and has more "shimmer" than the HMS.

the Valhalla is noticeably faster, more dynamic and has better bass articulation than the Compass Lake. the Compass Lake has a wonderful weightly bass that even though not as true as the Valhalla is very satisfying. the HMS is good here but short of the speed of the Valhalla or the richness of the Compass Lake.

the HMS is just less special in dynamics and bass performance but again doesn't do anything wrong.

to me the Compass Lake would be more system-dependant than the HMS but provides a greater view on the musical event.....even though it may be a more colored view.

i must admit that my ability to communicate is at it's limits here as far as describing what i remember hearing.


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Topic - Silversmith or HMS? - Faber 15:30:08 09/2/02 ( 24)