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Cable Asylum: Re: thanks mike. by Rhoeni

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Re: thanks mike.

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So what did Mikel's finding tell us?

Audition, audition, audition. Never buy any cable without an audition in your system. As you can read, even Mikel would not call the G5, which is mega-expensive, the perfect cable, since he mentioned some issues he experienced with the Siltech G5 in his system.

In my very revealing system, I came to a totally different conclusion: The Gran Finale came very close to the G5 and since I do not think that either Mikel or I have bad ears, I call what happened at Mikel's system, sytem synergy mismatch and it can happen with the most expensive cables. This is the reason, why even my brother told me not to buy any cables, the Gran Finale included, without auditioning the cables in my system.
But if a cable has the potential for such a great performance - and I am not the only one who has experienced this in his system - I read plenty of emails of Gran Finale customers who swapped there megabuck cables for the HMS - then I think this cable surely deserves an audition, especially if so much money is at stake.
But the perfect cable does not exist. Otherwise we would not have discussions like that. If you do not have to look a the price tag, go straight for the G5 (although in this case I think the money is better invested in an S-Class Mercedes) if not, audition several top cables and put the HMS on your list.
With my Kronzilla SET amps, the Imagine ESL and the cables I have chosen, I am as happy as I could be, my father is enjoying the system immensely , so isn’t that what it is all about?

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Topic - Silversmith or HMS? - Faber 15:30:08 09/2/02 ( 24)