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Cable Asylum: Re: True test of HMS by Tekunda

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Re: True test of HMS

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Hi Corbett,
I can understand that the ferrite beads are not every man's taste, but since they serve a very important purpose, that is to contain the magnetic field inside the cables, Mr. Strassner saw no other way of designing them. And a lot of people do like the exactly this look.
The ferrite blocks are highly polished and make this cable look quite expensive,like being build from semi-precious stones.
But for those customers who do not like the looks it boils down to what you want: performance or looks.
Since you asked direct questions about HMS cables, I really do not hope getting accused again to breach the rules, if I try to answer as truly as possible, since I even had all three cables in my system.
In my personal system, the SPM never came even close to the Valhalla.
Had this been the case, I would have never discovered HMS, as my search for Valhalla performance for less money would have been over at a very early stage of my cable quest.
I do not want to look down on my competition, but the SPM was never an option for my search of coming close to Valhalla performance. It just cannot compete with its bigger brother, the Valhalla. There is a huge performance gap if you ask me between the two cables. The SPM in my system was thin and dark comapred to the Valhalla.
I think I can save myself what I think of HMS vs. Valhalla, since Calloway has done this far better already.
You know the prices of SPM and HMS and Valhalla and you can decide for yourself, which cables will offer the best performance-price ratio and absolute performance.
I doubt seriously that the prices of the Valhalla will come down substantially within the next 3 years.
Imagine the outcry of Valhalla customers, should Nordost slash the prices by 50% overnight. But even then, the Valhalla would still be rather expensive.

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Topic - HMS VS VALHALLA-showdown-long - calloway 18:15:21 03/11/02 ( 37)