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Cable Asylum: Re: Tech stuff only ... by JFreeman

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Re: Tech stuff only ...

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Stay cool man ...

"be of a similar conductor, used simply to space the dielectric from the main conductor. I could see this easily reducing contact by 80%."

You know 80% is relative, I was only asking what does this compare to and it was not stated. Just like saying, "my IC is 80% better." But better than what? compare of what? got it?

"You imply that making a turntable is not rocket science. History will show a legion of under performing turntables. Turntable engineering is perhaps the most under estimated of all audio sciences. "

I implied that making a turntable IS rocket science. You misread my paragraph ...



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Topic - HMS VS VALHALLA-showdown-long - calloway 18:15:21 03/11/02 ( 37)