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Cable Asylum: Re: Impedence settings on HMS cables by calloway

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Re: Impedence settings on HMS cables

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..jcs..yes.. i have tried the settings on the ics when i first got them and yes there is a sonic change noticiable,albeit subtly,with each setting.in my system,i initially liked the #8 position but after trying it back on the '0' setting i have settled there,for now.that seems to be the most natural sounding setting.i have not,however,played with the settings on the speaker cables yet.there are 4x4x4 possibile combinations.if each does make a difference,one should be able to,potentially,fine tune most systems to his/her liking.i will be trying some of them out today.if you would like i will let you know what i find out.

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Topic - HMS VS VALHALLA-showdown-long - calloway 18:15:21 03/11/02 ( 37)