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Cable Asylum: Re: HMS VS VALHALLA-showdown-long by GG

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Re: HMS VS VALHALLA-showdown-long

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Dear Calloway:

Thanks for taking the time out for such a detailed review. I normally keep my posts to very brief questions or comments in offering what little knowledge I may have on a subject but in this case I am going to break that practice. I have watched with interest and dismay all the arguing over the hms cables. With all due respect to concerns that some asylum 'rules' may bave been breached I would leave this up to the moderators. I am really glad to finally hear some relevant comments (your posts and others in this string) regarding the sound quality versus other matters. With regards to the technical issues and criticisms over your comments on construction I think this again obscures the real point of your post, which is what do the cables sound like, not how are they made. Products will always hype their construction, it is called advertising and is done the world over. I have never heard anyone advertise their product as 'the worse product made', or 'simple to make its ridiculous how much we can charge'. Those comments are not likely to get much business. Of course overt lies are not constructive but short of that people should be able to figure out what to take with a grain of salt. Even if the construction information provided by the company is overblown (which I am not saying) it still boils down to the sound. This you have addressed very well and the cables sound encouraging indeed. I am underwelmed by critiques of your system since they are quite off topic except to draw attention that the cables may not be as well matched to another system. Its kind of like saying I don't like your porsche because its a porsche. It may not be the car I want to drive, but its hard to deny its a superb car. You did not say this cable was great in every system, just that you enjoyed it greatly in yours. Again great review and thanks for taking the time out to do this and pass the information on to the rest of us. As always caveat emporor (sic?). For those of us who are never likely to spend two to three times the price for valhallas it is very useful.


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Topic - HMS VS VALHALLA-showdown-long - calloway 18:15:21 03/11/02 ( 37)