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Cable Asylum: Tech stuff only ... by JFreeman

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Tech stuff only ...

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Just some interesting stuff on the tech side:

"that has 78 microns of extruded silver on the surface."

This is just another way to say "silver plated copper", I thought it is generally agreed on AA that silver plated copper doesn't sound too good, you either go for pure copper or pure silver. But I guess this does not apply when a $3000 cable is the subject.

" The surface of each conductor is highly polished before a high precision micro monofilament wrap is applied."

What material is this monofilament wrap made off, better dielectric than air or teflon?

"eight Teflon tubes are then bonded with a proprietary technique."

This is a real kicker, any tech can be call proprietary, a twist pair can be named proprietary just because how close I twist them together are different from others.

"This design reduces dielectric contact by a factor of more than 80%."

This was compare to what? what dielectric was it talking about? what construction method was it compare to?

"Extremely mechanically stable,"

For a compenently designed cable (be it commercial or DIY), it's difficult to make it NOT mechanically stable, it's not rocket science ... not like makeing a turntable ...

" the conductors are effectively suspended in inert air, preventing oxidation."

So I assuem the air in the teflon tube is vacuumed out and injected with an inert air, then the ends are water/air tight SEALED. If this is the case, this is something to pay for.

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Topic - HMS VS VALHALLA-showdown-long - calloway 18:15:21 03/11/02 ( 37)