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Cable Asylum: Re: New Audioquest dbs series - Has anyone tried them? by JFields98

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Re: New Audioquest dbs series - Has anyone tried them?

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AQ - Type 6, Indigo, midnight, Clear, CV6 (non-DBS), Volcano (non-DBS), Granite. Type 6, clear, and Indigo were the only ones I owned - the rest were tryouts.

Others - Cardas Hexlink, Cardas Cross, PS Audio Lab Cable, Straightwire Maestro, MIT Terminator2, Synergistic Research (forgot model), Analysis Plus Oval 12.

Those are all I can think of at the moment.

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Topic - New Audioquest dbs series - Has anyone tried them? - Avanti 06:43:02 09/19/03 ( 6)