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Cable Asylum: Re: CC89259 and 89259 in general by Thorsten

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Re: CC89259 and 89259 in general

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> I have found that SOME cables can get oxidized or corroded, but
> not ALL 89259 is this way.

I can speak of the samples I had, which came straight from Belden to me.

> if you have 89259 that is black, dark, or some other color than
> a nice shinny copper color,

That is what I got. VERY DARK copper, but not quite black.

> Basically, one must keep Thorsten's comments in perspective,
> and realize that what he calls tizzy and bright, most people
> can not hear,

Jon. In this context the issue is clearly a problem with just exactly these charateristics. And if it does not contribute the 89259 does nothing to alleviate it. There is no need to rally to the defense of 89259 everytime I say it sounds "bright and tizzy", especially as it sounds like that, more so in low level applications which is where it was used here.

I did not say anywhere that 89259 was bad in this thread, just that it was not apropriate in the context of the system it was used in, as interconnect.

> they are still pretty good performers,

I found them, compared to other things I had at hand only marginally better than Radioshack "Goldpatch", but this may very well have been the oxidised copper (it was oxidised in two seperate samples and in each case for at least 2m length).

> and are hard to beat with retail and commercial cables

Well, a pair of DNM for around $ 50 does this quite well and it comes ready to use. And it uses solid core conductors.

Later T

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Topic - DIY Cables vs. Commercial Cable - SteveLim 16:42:04 03/5/02 ( 13)