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Cable Asylum: Re: Will removal of the "phase-shield" affect the timing of the sound ? by Thorsten

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Re: Will removal of the "phase-shield" affect the timing of the sound ?

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Removing any of these phase-gizmos will reduce the level at the top end. The effets on dispersion at all but the highest frequencies tend to be minor. These gizmo's exist to prevent the (partial) cancellation of sound with a wavelength shorter than the diameter of the Dome. A 1" Dome beginns rolling off at around 14KHz without such phase gizmo's or enginnered resonances near the top end of the tweeters passband.

The result of adding these phase-gizmos is to shift this cancellation notably up in frequency, giving a more extended flat HF response. In doing so they also cause reflections and compression effects that IMHO severely screw up the sound of the tweeters. Cymbals are very spashy, brass very bright and almost scratchy and so on. Not that this stops the manufacturers from using them. Focal/JM-Labs had at least the good sense to make these things easily removable, more than can be said about Vifa (the OEM for the Tweeter in the FB-1 IIRC).

Ciao T

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Topic - DIY Cables vs. Commercial Cable - SteveLim 16:42:04 03/5/02 ( 13)