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Cable Asylum: Re: Thanks Thorsten. Some clarifications on Belden89259 vs 89292 by Thorsten

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Re: Thanks Thorsten. Some clarifications on Belden89259 vs 89292

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> I was thinking that they must have some reason for terminating it
> that way.

They do. But not neccesarily one that I agree with.

> Now with your suggestion, i might consider to try it
> (though that arrangement will make it slightly more difficult
> connecting it into the 4 teminals of the speaker).

The other option (given that Flatline is really not that hot to start with) is to make your own cables based on 3M Type 3749 SCSI 3 Cable. It is not cheap (a 4m Roll of the 68 Conductor version costs around $ 40 for 5m but can be split into two sets with 34 conductors each), but worthwhile IMHO. You might be able to afford two sets and compare Nordosts way of connection with the interleaved connection.

> Maybe i'll experiment by adding some Blue-Tack to damp
> the "phasemodifiers" and hear what happens.

This will not help. The problems are reflections off this thing which cause a very short echo plus the pressure loading. As you can get the same Tweeter used in the FB-1 readily just get a replacement pair, disaasemble them and remove the phase shield and then switch them against the originals, you will know what I mean instantly.

> What about the BELDEN 89292

Standed shield. Same story. You could (again) try 3M Type 3749 Nordost style, but I think the way Mapleshade does things sounds better.

Ciao T

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Topic - DIY Cables vs. Commercial Cable - SteveLim 16:42:04 03/5/02 ( 13)