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Cable Asylum: Thanks Thorsten. Some clarifications on Belden89259 vs 89292 by SteveLim

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Thanks Thorsten. Some clarifications on Belden89259 vs 89292

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Hi Thorsten,
Wow ..... that's a lot of suggestion on what i could do and advice on what are possible causes of the problem.
Thank you very much for all these inputs. In fact you really starting me thinking ......

Coincidentally just last night, i was staring at the Nordost and was wondering why the (+) and (-) was grouped instead of alternating (+) and (-). Had been reading your notes on "The naked Truth about Interconnects and SpeakerCables" and JonRisch's articles, and that made me take a second look at the Nordost. Seemed to contradict. I was thinking that they must have some reason for terminating it that way. Now with your suggestion, i might consider to try it (though that arrangement will make it slightly more difficult connecting it into the 4 teminals of the speaker).

What you mentioned about the "phasemodifiers" in front of the Tweeters making the sound "tizzy" is interesting. I hadn't thought of that as a possible "culprit". I have been wondering about the very slight "zzzz" characteristics of Saxophone and Trumpet that i heard. I thought (i am not very sure) it seemed somewhat unnatural of those instruments and i didn't think it was in the music source (a Sheffield CD). I also didn't think that the speaker was buzzing because i only detect this with those instruments. Maybe i'll experiment by adding some Blue-Tack to damp the "phasemodifiers" and hear what happens.

You mentioned about the disadvantage of the Belden89259 being multistranded and rather bright and tizzy.

Question :-
What about the BELDEN 89292 (14AWG, Solid Bare copper, Foam FEP Teflon insulation, FEP Teflon Jacket) ?? Would it make a better Interconnect and Speakercable (using cross-connected construction) than 89259 ??

(BELDEN 89292 is mentioned by JonRisch in his article on "SpeakerCable Considerations and High Performance").

Thanks and Cheers,

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Topic - DIY Cables vs. Commercial Cable - SteveLim 16:42:04 03/5/02 ( 13)