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Cable Asylum: Re: DIY Cables vs. Commercial Cable by dlarkin_dc

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Re: DIY Cables vs. Commercial Cable

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I've used cat 5 DIY speaker cable and it is very impressive sounding (I can't say if it's better than the Nordost) but I do think it would begin to solve the brightness, by bringing a smoothness. I recommend buying a small amount of cat 5 and doing a test before buying a whole load to make an online recipe DIY.

I think a coax recipe will be bright beacuse of geometry and the stranded conductors.

I agree with other posters, that your whole system tends to brightness and in my experience that is best dealt with by changing the interconnects. New cables shouldn't loose the detail, just tame the sibilance. Audition expensive copper/silver-coated copper or rather than play around with copper leapfrog up to the Silver Lace.

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Topic - DIY Cables vs. Commercial Cable - SteveLim 16:42:04 03/5/02 ( 13)