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Cable Asylum: Re: You may want to try this.... by SteveLim

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Re: You may want to try this....

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Thanks for the inputs. For now, I'll stay with the present straightforward Belden89259 interconnect.
My pressing desire now is to address the brightness in my system. And my suspect is either the CD63SE or the Nordost. (Anyone reading this, feel free to point out if i'm wrong).
I suspect the Nordost is forward sounding, and lacking in gauge thickness so that i'm not getting the optimal sound (better Bass and fuller sound) that the Aragon Amp is capable of.

So have been reading and researching around the audio web about DIY cables by ChrisVenHaus, JonRisch, TNT. I must say a big "Thank You" to them and all you DIY folks sharing and offering advice to us novices. But I admit that my mind is exploding trying to digest so much info out there, and confused by so many designs and variations being discussed about in the forums.

The key question in my mind is which would be the appropriate DIY cable to meet my above needs ? Hope that those who have DIYed can advice/share their perceived characteristics of their cables, or better still provide comparisons between them.

Thanks & Cheers,

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Topic - DIY Cables vs. Commercial Cable - SteveLim 16:42:04 03/5/02 ( 13)