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Cable Asylum: my experience w/ HT, AZ, Cardas and others by blazter

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my experience w/ HT, AZ, Cardas and others

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You will most likely have to try them yourself to find out. As many have posted other cables to try based on THEIR system and THEIR preference. Personally I had the Az Matrix on my system and the darn things made my ears bleed every place I used them! A good friend here locally got a set and they sound pretty good on his SS amp w/ Vandy speakers. I use AES Superamp w/ Silverline Sonatina speakers and Pure Silver Connection large silver ribbon speaker cables and ICs on main set up. I still have a set of Pro Silway MK II on my "B" system. I liked them better than the Cardas Cross and Golden Cross on both my systems but slightly preferred the Golden Hexlink 5-C to all three. Still, the detail CHAMPS and w/ VERY tight punchy bass and gorgeous mids is the Pure Silver Connection R-30 large silver ribbon ICs and speaker cables! IMS they beat out even the SilverSmiths!

IMS the Pro Silway are very detailed and once settled in I don't consider them "bright" per se. They do have a bit of boom in the mid bass that can be a good thing or bad thing depending on your system. Sometimes on VERY revealing systems you will notice a touch of a hollow sound in midrange, but in most systems, including my "B" system centered around Bel Canto DAC 1 this is not an issue and the great detail up top and strong bass lines are worth the price they go for used today IMO. I have had them down there for well over a year now which is a VERY long time for me.

IMS all the better HT cables (Magic One, Pro Silway MK II & Platinum) took nearly three weeks to a month to settle in. This is even using a cable cooker for about 10 days. VERY slow to settle in and until they do they can sound bright and a bit hard. Gotta be patient here or you will miss out.

FWIW, the HT Magic One Digital cable is my reference upstairs on the main rig. It beat out the AZ MC2, Electra Glide Signature and many other cables costing WAY more than the Magic. I do really like the AZ MC2 though on the "B" set up and if just a little meatier I would use it as my reference but HT Magic has best of both worlds IMS anyway.

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Topic - what sound can I expect from Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway mk II - audioNeil 23:40:32 04/1/02 ( 10)