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Cable Asylum: Re: what sound can I expect from Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway mk II by jg

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Re: what sound can I expect from Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway mk II

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My experience with the HT Pro-Silway II in my system was that it was a very clean and detailed cable, but somewhat leaner than I liked. Switching between the HT Pro-Silway II and the Synergistic Research Kaliedescope, I found that both cables offered similar levels of detail, but the HT had less body and fullness than the Synergistic Research. It was also a touch brighter.

But this was just my experience in my system. The pro-silway might be a better match for you. Unfortunately, there is really no way of knowing how it will interact w/ your components until you try it out. Good luck.

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Topic - what sound can I expect from Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway mk II - audioNeil 23:40:32 04/1/02 ( 10)