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Cable Asylum: Re: what sound can I expect from Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway mk II by audioNeil

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Re: what sound can I expect from Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway mk II

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Yes, I can try out the Neutral Reference. I'll try to do a comparison with the Harmonic Tech if I can get them.

Yes, the Denon 5800 DAC is excellent in Pure Direct mode. There is probably some slight upper frequency glare, but not much. However, with the power amp that comes with the Denon 5800, I don't get great sound on my low efficiency 4 Ohm speakers. It distorts slightly into my Maggie 3.6s and has a weak bass.

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Topic - what sound can I expect from Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway mk II - audioNeil 23:40:32 04/1/02 ( 10)