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Cable Asylum: Re: what sound can I expect from Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway mk II by Monte

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Re: what sound can I expect from Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway mk II

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See if you can borrow a Cardas Neutral Reference. It's a little darker than the Golden Reference and doesn't have the midrange emphasis. Overall, I think it's the more neutral of the two. In my system it is slightly dark but for you it might work just fine. I'm using Denon 5800-> Neutral Ref-> Rowland Synergy IIi-> Neutral Ref> Rowland Model 10-> Kimber Bifocal XL-> Soliloquy 6.5.

By the way, the 5800's DAC (in Pure Direct mode) is surprisingly good isn't it? I recently compared it to a Cary 306/200 CD player and it was very close. The Cary had a slight advantage in high frequency smoothness but the midrange of the Denon was fuller and more natural. I actually preferred the Denon.

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Topic - what sound can I expect from Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway mk II - audioNeil 23:40:32 04/1/02 ( 10)