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Cable Asylum: Re: what sound can I expect from Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway mk II by walter

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Re: what sound can I expect from Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway mk II

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First off, the origina1 Pro-Silway is not as good a cable as the MKII version. I returned it for the brittle and bright upper midrange. The MKII got it right. The newer version has some HF hash but you will need much better cabling and much better input than you have now to notice it. In my highly tweaked vintage tube system with Muse 296 DAC, the Pro Silways sounded a little too smooth but quite balanced. It is only when I upgraded to Pure Note cables that I noticed the lack of focus and some fine grain in the highs with these IC's. The HT Pro-Silway MKII should do fine in your system.

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Topic - what sound can I expect from Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway mk II - audioNeil 23:40:32 04/1/02 ( 10)