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Straight 8 Rebuild-- another one

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While I'm at it...

I have a 2 1/2 year old and anyone who has a kid of similar age knows that, no matter what, speaker grills are better than no speaker grills...

I've read about mounting speaker grills magnetically, using some of small, rare earth magnets (such as The idea being that you can secure a magnet (or small metal plate) under the veneer on the cabinet, so that when you do remove the grills there is no ugly mounting holes on the cabinet.

Since I've heard this strategy mentioned I suppose it is do-able, but again, I am looking for any caveats from anyone who has done this, especially with Straight 8s.



Topic - Straight 8 Rebuild-- another one - Kurt V 13:55:24 01/9/05 ( 4)