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Size matters!

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Well, that depends! When I started I had made a white foam board mock up and they seemed huge but I suspected that a dark wood finish might seem smaller so I went ahead and built them up. The idividual panels seemed reasonably sized but the assembled cabinets were pretty darned big; all my co-workers asked if my wife knew I was building these. After they were finished they looked good and I was getting used to the size. They grew again when I went to put them in my van to take home. And then again, when they had to go through the back door to the house. Finally sitting in the family room waiting for my wife to come downstairs to see them for the first time they got so large I got pretty anxious but when my wife came in and said "hey, these look really nice!" they shrank back down to a more respectable size - one I've lived with since. So, to answer your question, "yes and no!"


Topic - Yesterdays Experiment Was Truly Refreshing - Garland 08:57:30 09/2/02 ( 13)