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Impressions 'n' stuff (and thanks to DR Cope)

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I was VERY much digging the Rega P3/AN you brought. Killer through the all-Bottlehead setup. Good thing Christmas and my birthday are coming...

This time, I did not have speaker envy, as I preferred my 8s over all the others we heard. I think you may be onto something with your comments on the AN speakers, because I was not digging them, and I fully expect they could sound better.

Mark Hardy's hybrid headhpone amp was two thumbs up — got along famously with my FP. Plenty of gain! I potted my FP up halfway, then controlled volume through the hybrid amp. Sweet.

We forgot to mention Neo's Parabees not liking my FP/Sed/8s. THAT was weird. Dissapointed, because I really wanted to hear them.

John Lapaire, we missed you, and your copious and detailed notes. But — Cope! You da man! I was thinking afterwards, I hope someone's writing all this down. Thanks again for being "choirmaster" while I'm off in host-land. And, thanks to Jo Ann. She is, as they say, the bomb. am I going do drink all this beer?....


Topic - Thanks to all the NE Bots for another outstanding meet - Steve Culton 15:35:27 09/13/03 ( 34)