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Amp/Preamp Asylum: tried a few. by Jade East

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tried a few.

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I've tried my tripath amp with a few speakers.
B&W 302 @ 91db sounds good needs sub support.
If you are going to be using a sub please do not use
the high level inputs without making sure that the
grounds are not tied together, your amp will die.

Noresco mystery speakers probably some where in the
mid 80s as far as efficiency these sounded quite good.
Pair of small fullrange monitors and a pair of altecs horns
can't recall the model. The T-amp drove everything to
reasonable listening levels.

Personally I am going to look to a single driver to build
or an older high efficiency 2 way.

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Topic - Speakers for a T-Amp - Marvy 23:25:33 12/29/06 ( 9)