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How do you interpret this statement?

As noted in the lengthy thread linked in a post below, Valin had accumulated over $50,000 of loaner Nordost cables over the years. When a set of Valhalla's (which happen to have traceable serial numbers) showed up on Audiogon, Nordost bought them to find out where they came from. They turned out to be cables loaned to Valin for review purposes.

Valin made up some lame story about loaning the cables to a friend who then sold them. Nordost then demanded that Valin return all of the cables they had loaned over the years. Guess what -- Valin didn't have *any* of the cables, presumably because he had sold them all.

Instead of firing Valin, TAS loaned him the money to repay Nordost. Disgusted by this behavior, Ayre has severed all ties with TAS. We no longer advertise there, nor do we supply equipment for review.

I am quite confident that Valin has never heard any Ayre equipment in his own system. Ever. So I am equally confident that he has no idea what it sounds like. Of course, that wouldn't stop a thief from making negative comments about our equipment based on a brief listen to a totally unfamiliar system in a totally unfamiliar room....

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