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Digital Drive: REVIEW: M-Audio SuperDAC 24/96 DAC Processors by jonbee

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REVIEW: M-Audio SuperDAC 24/96 DAC Processors

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Model: SuperDAC 24/96
Category: DAC Processors
Suggested Retail Price: $299
Description: Pro audio 24/96 DAC
Manufacturer URL: M-Audio
Model Picture: View

Review by jonbee ( A ) on November 16, 2002 at 17:16:42
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for the SuperDAC 24/96

I read reports from a Dutch audio club that went nuts over this little $299 retail pro-audio dac, rating it above the Monarchy 22B and on a par with a Levinson player(!). I found it for $219 delivered and bought one. It's small and straightforward, powered by a 1000mA 9v AC wall wart. It has unbalanced and balanced ins and outs, but the unbalanced outs only take 1/4" plugs, so an adapter is necessary for interconnects with RCAs.
After 100 hours of burn in, this is what I found (all listening was to 16/44.1 cds): The sound overall is clean and quiet, with a wide and deep soundstage, great detail and remarkable focus. The recorded ambience is cleanly presented, and bass power and extension is good. I think an upgraded higher capacity regulated power supply would probably enhance this element of the performance, but the bass is clean and tight as it is. Very nice sound, all in all.
I compared it to all 3 of my existing rigs.
First, compared to my stock Sony SCD-C333ES SACD player, without a de-jitter device and with Canare 75 ohm digital cable, it was a very close call. Without extensive repeated a/b comparisons, it was difficult to tell them apart. Eventually I decided that the SuperDac had slightly better instrumental definition, but only slightly. Using a de-jitter device and better cable might well have elevated the Superdac more clearly over the good sounding (IMHO) Sony, but it was a toss-up as is.
Next up was my Marantz DV18 DVD player, a $1000 dvd player with a deserved reputation for good sound. Again, without de-jitterer and using the Canare cable, the Superdac was the clear winner. The improved inner detail, more extended top end, and better dynamics gave it a more lively, in the room character. This application will be the long-term home for this DAC.
Moving it to my main system was the big test. I've been very happy with my Sony 7000dvd/Genesis Time Lens/MSB Gold DAC(upgraded PS) front end for the last 4 years. I tried out lots of combinations of digital gear before I obtained sound which I felt was very right for me. I simply replaced the MSB with the Superdac, leaving in the Time Lens with my Audioquest Digital Pro (silver) digital ics. The sound was extemely well focused and squeaky clean with a great soundstage with great depth. Very acceptable sound, all in all. This is where the limitations show up. The MSB with the upgraded PS had much more deep bass output. Movie special effects deep bass was audible, tight, and well defined with the superdac, but shook the room with the MSB. The superdac had a more clinical presentation of string bass, while the MSB pressurized the room with the dynamics of the string plucks. How much the Superdac would be aided with a comparable power supply is a good question. The other area where the superdac was outclassed was in the harmonic richness of the instruments. The detail was all there, but the superdac sounded thin and analytical by comparison. Voices and horns with the MSB had more body and a richer presentation.

In summary, I think this is a very cost effective upgrade for many CDPs or DVDs. It doesn't compete with the best processors, but I'll bet it's better sounding than the dacs found in the majority of older sub $1000 stand alone players, and offers 24/96 capabiities if that ever gets off the ground.

Product Weakness: Requires adaptors for single-ended outputs, as it only takes 1/4" mic plugs. Reduced low end output, not as harmonically "rich" and full sounding as high end dacs.
Product Strengths: Inexpensive, compact. Very clean, dynamic, highly detailed and focused digital sound. 24/96 processing.

Associated Equipment for this Review:
Amplifier: Bel Canto EVO 200.2
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): CJ PFR
Sources (CDP/Turntable): Sony 7000 as transport, Genesis time lens,Sony 333 SACD,MSB Gold DAC
Speakers: VMPS 626R, Revel M20
Cables/Interconnects: Goertz TQ, Mapleshade Golden Helix
Music Used (Genre/Selections): lots
Room Size (LxWxH): 22 x 18 x 8
Room Comments/Treatments: Lots of glass, a bit bright overall
Time Period/Length of Audition: 6 days
Other (Power Conditioner etc.): Monster Cable 2000(front end only)
Type of Audition/Review: Product Owner

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Topic - REVIEW: M-Audio SuperDAC 24/96 DAC Processors - jonbee 17:16:42 11/16/02 ( 12)