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Vinyl Asylum: My New VPI Classic Turntable by tullman

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My New VPI Classic Turntable

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Ok, I just recieved my VPI Classic TT. The sound is gorgeous. It is very musical. The bass and mids are much better than my Thorens. The soundstage is wider and deeper. Very smooth sound and yet more clarity than my Thorens. There is very little background noise. The Classic runs very quiet. Set up and use is easy. Removing the Platter to get the foam out from underneath was a bit of a challenge. The Platter is heavy and I didn't want to bang the pulley. I don't feel the need to upgrade to the speed control unit. The speed was right on. The one caveat is the record clamp. I can see upgrading that thing. It is made of cheap materials. The clamp works great but having to screw that thing down after drinking a few can be a pain in the ***. I guess dropping a weight on the record would be easier.

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Topic - My New VPI Classic Turntable - tullman 08:14:40 04/23/09 ( 30)