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Vinyl Asylum: How to recognice a DL103 from quite along way away... by Steve K

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How to recognice a DL103 from quite along way away...

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Hidy ho all…just thought I’d pass along a bit of info on the 103 series…hope this can help someone, as there’s been a few questions about this family around here, lately.

103”C”…He’s got a black body that’s got square edges (not “rounded off” like one of his siblings), a white center line, and no “letter” designation. He’s the original 103 cartridge…the first stereo MC ever, if my history lessons have been correct. Given the “C” nickname because of his conical stylus. A rather [very] low compliance cartridge…he needs a lot of tracking force, 2.5-3g. 0.3mv output. Started life in 1963, and still in production!

103D…This guy’s the “classic” in the eyes of most 103 users. He’s got a olive\tan colored body with a red center line. An elliptical stylus replaces the conical found on the C…much more compliant suspension too. 0.3mv output, 1.5g track. This little guy is the magic maker…mid-range to die for! IMO, the finest sounding pickup ever made! Sadly, I’m fairly sure he’s out of production.

103S…He’s pretty close to the D, but does away with the elliptical stylus, in favor of a Shibata. He’s always dressed in a white body with a red center line. 0.4mv output 1.5g track. He’s long out of production.

103M…He gots a black plastic body with metal [aluminum?] inlayed around the perimeter of the body. He’s physically shorter than his brothers are, if I remember correctly. Donno what stylus he’s got? 0.15mv output, 1.4g track. Again, out of production.

103C1S…A modernized version of the “C”…pretty much the same low compliance, super stiff suspension as the C. He comes dressed in a black body like the C, but this time with rounded corners and edges, a metallic fleck paint job, a silver centerline, and the text DL-103C1 silk-screened on the side. 0.3mv output, 2.5g track. Also out of production, if I’m not mistaken.

103R…Don’t know a ton ‘bout this guy, ‘cept that he’s got a black body, like the “C” but with a gold center line, and the text DL-103R on the side. He’s got coils wound from 6 nine’s copper wire. Not sure on the output or track. I do believe he’s still in production!

My info gets even more fuzzy from here…I’m also assuming everything from here on in is out of print.

103Special…white body

103G…Black body, made of some sort of carbon/composite, if memory serves. Coils wound from gold wire.

103FL…Fine line stylus…white body

103C2…Black body, black center line

There might be some more flavors of 103 running around out there, but if there are, I don’t know about ‘em.

If anyone wants a frequency plot of, specs for, or a picture of a C1S, D, S or M…shoot me a email.


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Topic - How to recognice a DL103 from quite along way away... - Steve K 21:05:58 03/30/00 ( 4)