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Vintage Asylum: Re: Kenwood tuner multipath connections by BFitz

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Re: Kenwood tuner multipath connections

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These H and V outputs are the outputs after the discriminator. H is the audio signal with no de-emphasis or filtering, exactly same as the "MPX output" as seen on old mono tube tuners. V is the DC offset of the discriminator, it is "zero" when properly tuned (it also drives the center tune meter).

As Brian said, you hook these up to a 2 channel scope that is in X-Y mode and observe the pattern. The proper tuning if I recall correctly is a perfectly flat horizontal line.
I think the Marantz 10B manual had a section in the users manual on using the scope to tune in stations. From what I've seen, Heathkit and Kenwood also sold audio scopes, besides Mcintosh. I've seen a few on EBay, they fetch well over 200., and are pretty rare.

Actually, you have all you need on the KT-8300. Place the right meter in multipath mode, and rotate the antenna until the signal strength is maximum, and multipath is minimized.

The KT8300 is the only tuner I know, (well, besides the KT-917/600T) that has the cool deviation meter. This is great for understanding the quality of broadcast stations. Thre ones where the meter sits at 100% are basicly compressing the life out of the music. On other stations, I see the meter bounce between 0 and 90, which is what you want for good dynamic range.

One more thing - I have 2 KT8300s. Over time components drift, and on one the center tune meter was off calibration. If in doubt, always max. out signal strength, versus tuning to the center. You can easily have it recalibrated if it is "off".

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Topic - Kenwood tuner multipath connections - Peter S. 21:07:24 07/21/01 ( 2)