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Tweakers' Asylum: How can we when we have no idea what this mysterious "challenge" is by tonemaniac

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How can we when we have no idea what this mysterious "challenge" is

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This is further confounded by the presupposition that "hearing" is simply a duct that goes somewhere in the brain where there is a "audio bone" that well... it does something... and that causes... a little man who listens to the audio bone, who has an even littler audio bone inside of his head... you see.. there is a hidden logic to all of this... I'm just sure of it...

On the other hand.... hearing is not a one dimensional construction... if what I'm reading about contemporary neuroscience is correct, there are multiple auditory mechanisms, some relatively modern, in evolutionary terms, others far more ancient... and there may actually be significant differences in some hard to quantify "perceptual intelligence" ... so it is quite possible that some of us have a more highly developed secondary acoustic processing region in the cerebellum, and others don't... those afflicted with Williams Syndrome have enlarged cerebella in this region and display unusual sensitivity, and love of music.... although they manifest marked cognitive deficiencies as well... so the divergence in the audio community (or sub communities) may indeed, my intuition is that it does, have a strong neural basis, some people literally cannot "get" certain aspects of the auditory experience, this is particularly true of autistics... there may well be a more subtle form of audio perceptual deficiency that is akin to color blindness in the visual system... I also suspect that some of us raving audio maniacs are the way we are because we are mildly synesthetic (seems to have something to do with the TPO junction in the brain, a region, interestingly, that is also where metaphor generation is believed to happen) and the auditory experience triggers a multi layered sensory blooming that stimulated the *nucleus accumbens*, where, um... orgasms also happen.... assuming there is some validity to this and brain science isn't hopelessly out to lunch on the topic, we may well co-exist is parallel but fundamentally incommunicable private worlds...

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Topic - Acoustic System Resonators - follow-up - KlausR. 23:23:28 11/17/06 ( 40)