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Tubes Asylum: The 6DJ8 family by Bambi B

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The 6DJ8 family

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The 6DJ8 family is a series of tubes that are electrically generally compatible, but have different current handling:

6DJ8 ratings:

ECC88 = 6DJ8 - - 130V/1,8W

E88CC= 6922 - - 220V/1,8W

E188CC= 7308 - - 250V/2W

6N23P/ Sovtek 6922 - - 300V/1,8W

6N23P-EV/ EH 6922 - - 300V/2W

Notice the ECC88 (6DJ8) takes 130V at 1.8 W while the 7308 is 250V -nearly double- at 2W. This means that the 7308 can go anywhere a 6DJ8 would go, but a 6DJ8 can't be used if the equipment pushes it to the 7308 level.

The 6922 and 7308s are also rated for twice the life as a 6DJ8.

I have an Audio Research SP10 preamplifier and it will eat 6DJ8s in tens or a hundred hours - only the 7308 and Sovtek/EH will survive. Owners of some Audible Illusions preamps are in this boat also and require the most rugged tubes.

It's worthwhile to remember the 6DJ8 is usually thought to be the best sounding of the family. For a discussion of the whole 6DJ8 with comments on individual models, see "Joe's Tube Lore" on the FAQ section of this site.


Bambi B

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Topic - Valvo ECC88 & Amperex 7308 - Snegrah 20:56:53 07/16/06 ( 19)